Partnering with the Citizens of Berkeley County to make a Difference

Who We Are

Federal law created conservation districts to provide grass roots leadership for developing and implementing conservation activities. In South Carolina, district boundaries are the same as county boundaries. There is a conservation district in each county. Conservation districts are subdivisions of state government.


Watch as SCDNR explains how conservation districts work with partners for the benefit of all!

Join the movement to help preserve and promote our natural resources here in Berkeley County! 

Berkeley Soil & Water is working on a new platform called Berkeley Outdoor Life: After creating the Berkeley Blueways with its 25 kayaking trails, more than 235 miles of paddling, the District saw an opportunity to add the new programs of the Berkeley Walkways, Berkeley Bikeways and Berkeley Gameways. The Walkways will consist of 18-20 walking and hiking routes, the Bikeways will have 16 bicycling routes, and the Gameways will highlight the best places to fish, boat, camp and hunt in Berkeley County.

The new website features all the information for families to choose an exciting adventure. It includes original photography, all relevant trail information, downloadable guides for each activity and interactive maps. This project was launched in the 2nd quarter of 2021 and the development of the platform will extend into 2022."

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